▪ 2nd Meeting COST ACTION CM1407, April 4-5, Madrid

MEDINA is one of the participant of the COST ACTION CM 1407 "Challenging organic syntheses inspired by nature: from natural products chemistry to drug discovery."

The general aim of this COST Action is to advance in the field and to maintain the high level of expertise in NP chemistry within Europe by combining synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry, chemical biology, and pharmacology in order to find new lead structures of pharmaceutical relevance. Since chemistry plays a key role in addressing the industrial requirements for preclinical candidates in terms of physicochemical properties of NP and their analogues, this Action further aims at promoting the translation between fundamental academic research and industrial drug discovery by means of NP chemistry.

Dr. F. Vicente attended the 2nd Meeting in Madrid and presented the poster "MEDINA's Collection and HTS Facilities for Natural Products Discovery". She described these collections in detail, along with some of their history, and discussed how this productive resource can be accessed through collaborations or fee-for-service arrangements.
