Identification of the biosynthetic gene clusters of sandramycin and kribbellichelins A and B

Identification of the biosynthetic gene clusters of sandramycin and kribbellichelins A and B

January 19, 2023

Researchers at MEDINA report the complete genome sequence of the strain Kribbella sp. CA-293567, a producer of the antitumor and antifungal antibiotic sandramycin and the antibiotics kribbellichelins A and B. In this work, the clusters encoding these compounds have been identified, and new non-canonical NRPS assembly mechanisms have been proposed for their biosynthesis. Additionally, the genomic comparison of the publicly available genomes from other Kribbella strains has shown that almost 87% of the identified BGCs could putatively encode new metabolites, thus highlighting the biosynthetic diversity of the strains belonging to this underexplored genus.
