MEDINA attended the symposium "Microbe-assisted crop production - opportunities, challenges and needs" (miCROPe 2017) to discuss and learn about the latest developments and future opportunities in the field of plant-microbe interactions and commercial application of microbial products in crop production. Within the session “Future of microbial products & regulatory issues”, MEDINA microbiology department was represented by Dr. Ignacio González presenting the poster:
“Antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes isolated from Sonchus crassifolius and Limonium majus collected from south-eastern Spain (Granada).”
And, within the session “The holobiont plant: multitrophic interactions”, Victor González, also microbiologist at MEDINA, presented the poster:
“Co.culturing of fungal strains against the phytopathogen Botrytis cinereal for the induction of chemical diversity agrochemical and therapeutic agents.”