Fundación MEDINA will attend the VI CMIBM (Congreso de Microbiología Industrial y Biotecnología Microbiana) organized in León, Spain, by the Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology group of SEM (Spanish Society of Microbiology).
This meeting will take place from the 12th to the 14th of September 2016 and represents a discussion forum bringing together Spanish researchers and trainees. It will be an opportunity for all the Industrial Microbiology community to exchange different point of views related with the field.
On Tuesday the 13th, Dr. Olga Genilloud, Scientific Director of Fundación MEDINA, will discuss about "Chemical diversity and Natural Products: the new drug discovery research continues" and comment new advances of MEDINA´s research. Additionally, 3 researchers from MEDINA´s microbiology department will participate at the posters sessions as follows:
P45 - Daniel Oves will present: “Draft whole-genome sequence of Streptomyces caniferus CA-271066: A producer of new and known natural products.” Daniel Oves-Costales, Marina Sánchez-Hidalgo, Rodney Lacret and Olga Genilloud.
P46 - Marina Sánchez will focus on: "Identification of the kocurin biosynthetic pathway from the draft whole genome sequence of the producer Kocuria palustris CA-276345."Marina Sánchez-Hidalgo*, Soledad Villanueva, Daniel Oves-Costales, Ignacio González, Olga Genilloud
P13 - Finally, Víctor González will describe: “Bioreactor Optimization Production of the Family of Fungal Antibiotics MDN-0057 & MDN-58.” V. Gonzalez-Menendez*, L. Lorenzo, J. Martin, N. el Aouad, J.R. Tormo, F. Reyes and O. Genilloud.
During the event MEDINA will be able to consolidate the existing relationship with its spanish partners and define further research projects ideas.